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29 records found where subject: Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas (1st: 1977, Cali, Colombia). showing records 16 - 29.
Full Record Document Type Document Date Title Language Brief Description PDF
Letter August 01, 1976 letter from Nascimento Spanish This is a letter from Brazilian artist and scholar Abdias do Nascimento, congratulating the organizers of the Primer Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas (1977, Cali, Colombia) on their initiative to promote black culture in the continent. This letter marks the beginning of a fruitful correspondence between Nascimento and Manuel Zapata Olivella. For related documents, consult Abdias Nascimento’s archival collection, housed by the Afro-Brazilian Studies and Research Institute (IPEAFRO), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil PDF icon
Letter April 10, 1989 letter to Nascimento Spanish Manuel Zapata Olivella informs Abdias do Nascimento and George Maloney about the publication of the Primer Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas's memoirs (1977, Cali, Colombia). He also writes about the latest developments regarding the organization of the fourth Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas. PDF icon
Document [1977] Bulletin of the Primer Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas - mailing list Spanish Lists names and addresses of scholars and intellectuals based in the United States who were to receive the Bulletin of the "Primer Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas" (1977, Cali, Colombia). PDF icon
Document 1977 List of participants - Primer Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas Spanish This document is a list of names and addresses of participants of the Primer Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas (1977, Cali, Colombia). PDF icon
Document 1977 Paper titles for the Primer Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas Spanish This document is a list of titles of presentations by participants at the Primer Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas (1977, Cali, Colombia). PDF icon
Document January 01, 1995 comunicado de prensa Spanish This item is a newspaper clipping from "The Chronicle, Colombia's English weekly newspaper," with a short article summarizing the I Congress of Black Culture in the Americas (Primer Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas). The congress took place in Cali, Colombia, in August, 1977. PDF icon
Document [January 01, 1977] Pamphlet: Primer Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas (1977, Cali, Colombia) Spanish This pamphlet for the Primer Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas (1977, Cali, Colombia) contains the call for conference participants and information on how to apply for it. PDF icon
Document [January 01, 1977] Resolutions - Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas (1st: 1977, Cali, Colombia) Spanish Report of the resolutions reached at the closure of the Primer Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas (1977, Cali, Colombia). PDF icon
Document 1977 Primer Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas - excerpt Spanish This is an excerpt from the call for conference participants for the Primer Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas. For the complete pamphlet, please refer to related documents. PDF icon
Letter August 02, 1976 letter from Nascimento Portuguese Abdias do Nascimento writes to Manuel Zapata Olivella to inform him that he will be attending the Primer Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas (1977, Cali, Colombia). For related documents, consult Abdias Nascimento’s archival collection, housed by the Afro-Brazilian Studies and Research Institute (IPEAFRO), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil PDF icon
Document December 1976 Conferencia Preparatoria - Primer Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas Spanish Schedule of the regional meeting organized by the Centro de Estudios Afro-Colombianos in Cartagena, Colombia, on December 19-22, 1976. This meeting was held in preparation for the first Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas (Cali, Colombia, 1977). PDF icon
Letter January 1977 letter to participants - Primer Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas Spanish This is a letter from Manuel Zapata Olivella to participants of the Primer Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas, with information about the regional meeting that took place in Cartagena (December 19-22, 1976) in preparation for the congress. PDF icon
Letter June 30, 1977 Travel Arrangements - Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas (1st: 1977, Cali, Colombia) Spanish This is a letter from Jorge Franco Múnera, coordinator of the Primer Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas (1977, Cali, Colombia), to the congress's attendees, with information regarding travel arrangements. PDF icon
Publication February 01, 1989 Newspaper clipping and letter Spanish This letter from José Ramos to Manuel Zapata Olivella expresses his wish to purchase a copy of the published memoirs of the Primer Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas (1977, Cali, Colombia). The letter includes a newspaper clipping with the publication information. PDF icon
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